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Vi har taget os den store frihed at ændre radikalt på dette skønne litografi af en af verdens største sejlskibe på sin tid. Det originale litografi er ganske mørkt, og vi har lysnet skibet og lagt en helt anden farve ind i baggrunden for at give det et mere skarpt og nyere udseende.


Fås i A3 (29,7x42 cm). Trykt på tykt FSC kunstpapir.


Note: Originally named "The Vanderbilt," the "Three Brothers" was built in 1855 in New York for the Commodore Vanderbilt Service from New York to Le Havre. After the United States government purchased the ship in 1861, the vessel was used to battle and destroy Confederate warships during the American Civil War. After 1865, the ship was sold again to San Francisco merchants who renamed it "Three Brothers" and used it for trade between San Francisco to New York and Liverpool. This print depicts the ship progressing speedily in the wind with all of its thirty-one sails unfurled; the inscription on the print proclaims it the "Largest Sailing Ship in the World."

Clipper Three Brothers

kr 150,00Pris
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